Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day Three

Sorry this is a little late, I couldn't get it to post last night.

Here is how I did:

I didn't get all of my water in today.  I ended up at about 2.5 quarts which I still feel is respectable, just not what I am shooting for.   I haven't been feeling too well today so I just did Yoga for my workout, but I was much better at moving around at work today. Anytime I had to go down the hall I would make a lap around the inside of the building first which consisted of about 330 steps and 96 stairs each time.  I did that about 4 times so I am feeling good about my activity level today.  I did much better on my calories today than I did yesterday.  I had 157 to spare by the end of the day.
I picked up some wrist/ankle weights today that I am excited to use.  I really want to find ways to get more benefit out of my everyday chores and activities and I figured these would at least help a little with that.  I will let you know how my arms feel after folding a few batches of laundry with them on my wrists.

On somewhat of a side note I want to say good job to all of you who are doing this along with me!  Sarah has been getting up early to workout, Lauren skipped on the ice cream and my friend that I will refer to as Anonymous, since she asked to remain anonymous, has lost 8 pounds so far on her weight loss journey! Lot's of you have told me you are going to be working hard this year to stay fit.  Let me know about your accomplishments so we can all recognize what you are doing and cheer you on.  Good job everyone!!


  1. I did Zumba again yesterday and this morning I went to body pump for an hour and then I got on the treadmill and did my "couch to 5k" running program. I ran more today than I ever have before, almost 2 miles! I think I'm actually to low on my calories for nursing, I need to up them a little so I don't lose my milk. BTW I'm so excited Biggest Loser is back on and so sad we aren't watching it together.

  2. Awesome!! Keep up the good work, you are doing amazing!
